Treatments We Offer
Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects all the joints. In some people it affects a wide variety of body systems including Skin, Eyes, Lungs, Heart, Kidneys, Salivary glands, Nerves etc. It is an Auto-Immune disease in which the immune system mistakenly attacks its own body tissues. If it is untreated or improperly treated, it leads to joint deformity and finger deformity.
Rheumatoid Arthritis is known as “Amavata” according to Ayurveda. The word Amavata comprises Ama and Vata. Ama means “improperly digested essence of food” and Vata is one of the Tridoshas in Ayurveda.
Causes of Amavata
1. Intake of Viruddha ahara(incompatible foods), 2. Irregular lifestyle, 3. Intake of Snigdha ahara (oily food, fried food, fast food, junk food), 4. Lack of exercise (Nischalatha) – sedentary lifestyle, 5. Psychological factors like Kama (Desire), Krodha(anger), Lobha (Greediness), Moha (Delusion), Shoka(Greif) , Manodvega (Stress), Bhaya (Fear)
वा यदन्नपानमुपयुज्यते, तदप्याममेव प्रदूषयति ॥ ८ ॥”
Due to the above mentioned causes, Ama formed in the Gut with the help of vitiated Vata circulates throughout the body. Wherever this ama localizes, accordingly the disease is manifested in that particular organ. Especially Ama localizes in all joints, thereby it causes inflammation of joints causing pain.
1. Localized Symptoms : Severe pain and swelling in small joints of hand and legs
2. Systemic / Generalized Symptoms:
- Severe pain in the sacral region.
- Fever
- Anorexia
- Thirst
- Lethargy
- Heaviness in body parts
- Indigestion
- Salivation
- Burning
- Vomitings
- Giddiness
- Frequent Urination
Types of Amavata
1. Vataja Amavata– Apart from general symptoms, sever pain is seen in all joints in Vataja Amavata
2. Pittaja Amavat – Apart from other symptoms, burning and redness is seen in affected parts in Pittaja Amavata.
3. Kaphaja Amavata – Apart from other symptoms, itching sensation in affected joints and body parts is experienced in Kaphaja Amavata.
Our Treatment
We at Tejas treat Rheumatoid Arthritis with customized treatment based on the constitution(Prakruthi) of the patient and his/her nature. We have an Amavatari compound formulated by our doctors. It increases digestive power and it causes Ama pachana ( Digestion of Ama). When Amapachana takes place, automatically disease subsides fully. It also reduces swelling and pain. In due course of time, it prevents further advancement of disease and deformities of the joints.
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