Our Specialities

What is Rasayana/Rasayanaprash?
Rasayana is a speciality treatment in Ayurveda which takes care of immunity, health, strength, enzymes and hormones. Rasayana drugs augments the quality of 7 vital tissues in the body – Rasa (Plasma, non cellular portion of blood, lymph & interstitial fluids), Rakta (Blood), Mamsa(Muscles), Medhas(Fat), Asthi(Bone), Majja(Bone Marrow) and Shukra (Reproduction tissue and stem cells).When these 7 building blocks are healthy, right from cell to organ level, the whole body is maintained healthy.
Intake or administration of linctus (prasha) prepared from Rasayana herbs is known as Rasayanaprash. Rasayana treatment or rejuvenation therapy is one of the special branches of Ayurveda which helps in development of healthy tissues of the body. It is for people above 16 years of age.
Uses of Rasayanaprash
1. Augments memory, boosts creativity and learning abilities
2. Arrests ageing process and increases lifespan
3. Improves eyesight, skin complexion and glow
4. Prevents premature greying of hair
5. Detoxifies the body
6. Strengthens all sensory organs and motor organs
7. Maintains mental stability
When to start Rasayanaprash / Swarnaprash?
Ayurveda advises auspicious nakshatra for consumption of any medicine. Rasayanaprash/ Swarnaprash should be taken or started on pushyami nakshatra.
Why Swarnaprash and Rasayanaprash are taken on Pushyami Nakshatra?
Each star has specific features and specific influence on the planet and body. The meaning of pushyami is that which nourishes the universe or which augments the growth and development of humans, plants and other creatures on the planet.
Also, the shape of the Pushyami star resembles the Udder of a cow which yields milk. This symbolises nourishment. Seeds sown on pushyami nakshatra sprout well, grow healthy and yield maximum crop with good nutrients.
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