Treatments We Offer


OsteoArthritis is caused by deterioration of cartilage in joints which leads to friction in joints causing pain and swelling in joints. It is referred as Sandhivatha according to ayurveda. “Sandhi” means Joints and ‘Vata’ is one of Tridoshas. Vitiated vata when localized in Sandhis (joints) leads to Osteoarthritis. Thus localized vata causes dryness of synovial fluid and degeneration of the joints. 

Causes of Vata Vitiation

1. Dietary causes: Excessive intake of millets, green peas, black gram, Rajma, Clustered beans, broad beans, beans, potato and light & chilled food
Lifestyle causes:  Suppression of natural urges, excessive walking, jumping, climbing, riding, excessive exercise, fasting, sleeplessness, sleeping on hard beds, sleeping during the day
Psychological factors:  Kama (Desire), Krodha(anger), Lobha (Greediness), Moha (Delusion), Shoka(Greif) , Manodvega (Stress), Bhaya (Fear)

Symptoms of Sandhivata

  • Pain in affected joints
  • Swelling 
  • Stiffness in joints
  • Loss of flexibility in joints

Types of Sandhivata

1. Janu Sandhivata (OA Knees)
2. Greeva Sandhivata (Cervical Spondylitis)
3. Gulpha Sandhivata (OA Ankle Joint)
4. Kurpara Sandhivata (OA elbow)
5. Kati vata ( Lumbar Spondylitis )
6. Anguli Vata (Gout)

Our Treatment

We suggest diet plans and lifestyle recommendations for patients based on their constitution. We have a “Joint Care Compound” formulated by our doctor which pacifies Vata and helps in restoration of normal joints. It regulates production of synovial fluid and rejuvenates cartilages thereby reducing pain and stiffness. It also prevents further degeneration of joints. We also suggest customized pain oils for external application.

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