Treatments We Offer


Infertility is defined as failure to achieve pregnancy after 12 or more months of married life. 

Infertility is known as Vandhyatwa in Ayurveda.

Maharshi Sushruta has compared the achievement of conception with the germination of seed.

According to Ayurveda there are four main factors for conception. They are called “Garbha Sambhava Samagri”. They are:

1. Ritu – Season / fertile period of the cycle -Ovulation period 
Kshetra – Field /  healthy yoni, uterus and reproductive organs
Ambu – water / proper nutrient fluid – mother’s diet and nutrition & hormones
Beeja – Seed / Shukra and Shonita (Sperm and Ovum) 

For example, In case of plants, only when all the above 4 factors ( Season, Field, Water and Seed ) are in healthy state without any defect  then seed germinates properly, grows healthy and yields good produce. Similarly to conceive and to get a healthy baby it needs the same four factors. When these four factors are in a healthy state without any defects/ailments, conception takes place in time and a healthy pregnancy happens. 

Any abnormalities in these four factors causes Vandhyatwa.

According to Charaka, good manasika sthithi and vayu – Shadbhavas are also essential for conception. They are:

1. Matrija – Mother
Pitrija – Father
Atmaja – Soul
Satmyaja – Wholesomeness
Sattvaja – Psychological
Rasaja – Nutrition
Daivaprakopa – Spiritual

Abnormality in any one of these causes Infertility.

Causes of Infertility

Some of the causes of Infertility are listed below:

  • Overweight
  • Diet
  • Smoking
  • Pathological conditions like PCOD/PCOS etc
  • Pesticides injected food
  • Environmental pollutants
  • Medicines
  • Infections
  • Defects in reproductive organs
  • Irregular menstrual cycles
  • Hyper/Hypothyroid 
  • Quality of egg in females
  • Fallopian tubes damage or blockage
  • Low sperm count in males

Types of Infertility

1. Vandhya – It refers to absolute sterility due to congenital absence of uterus or Artava (Reproductive Hormones) or any incurable causes
2. Apraj – Infertility in which woman conceives after treatment or primary infertility
Sapraja – It is Secondary Infertility. It is a condition in which a woman in her active reproductive age does not conceive after giving birth to one or more children
4. Pushpaghni – It refers to infertility due to decreased ovarian hormones which results in absence of ovulation.
5. Putragni – repeated abortion

Our Treatment

Our doctors diagnose the cause of infertility in both partners and advise cleansing therapy to both partners to regain the healthy state of the reproductive organs of the couple. After the cleansing therapy is completed, further medication is advised based on the body constitution of the couple. We have personalized formulations by doctors and exclusive ayurvedic therapies for infertility in both male and/or females. 

We even provide preconception counseling, diets and lifestyle plans.

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