Treatments We Offer

In Ayurveda diabetes mellitus is referred as madhumeha. Madhu means ‘sugar’ , Meha means ‘excretion’. Madhumeha means ‘excretion of sugar in urine’.
Due to excessive sleep, sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity and eating food which vitiates Tridoshas. The vitiated Doshas in turn affects seven Dhatus (Body fluids, blood, Muscle, Fat, Bone Tissue, Bone marrow, Reproductive tissue) . This affects pancreas, liver, kidneys and bladder leading to prediabetic state ( called as ‘Prameha’ in Ayurveda) in a person. If this state is left untreated, then the person becomes diabetic.
- Excessive urination,
- Increased thirst and hunger,
- Blurry vision,
- Weight loss,
- Numbness of hands or feet are some of the common symptoms of Diabetes.
Types of Diabetes
According to ayurveda Diabetes is mainly classified as:
1. Sahaja Madhumeha – This occurs by birth (Juvenile diabetes) or by hereditary. This is also called Insulin dependent diabetes – IDDM.
2. Apatya Janya Madhumeha – Pathas or srothus means channels which maintain the whole physiological, biological, biochemical and neurological functions of the body. ‘Apatya’ means unwholesome food or the food which affects Pathas / channels thereby manifests disease process at the microlevel. If it is left untreated at this stage, it leads to fully manifested disease and further complications.
Apatya Janya Madhumeha is caused due to the intake of apatya food and lifestyle practices which in turn vitiates vata, pitta and kapha ( Tri Doshas). This type of Diabetes can be further classified into
1. Santarpa Janya Madhumeha – Due to excessive intake of fatty foods and Kapha increasing foods, increased fat percentage leads to the development of Diabetes. Person suffering with this type of diabetes is obese.
2. Apatarpa Janya Madhumeha – Excessive intake of food which increases vata (eg: millets, barley, horsegram etc) and corresponding lifestyle(eg: excessive walking, exercise, running, swimming, speaking etc) causes vitiation of vata in the body. People suffering with this type of diabetes are thin.
Our Treatment
We at Tejas prescribe exclusive medicines for diabetes with personalized formulations and diet specifications. We have successfully treated many patients whose results are clinically observed. We have a special formulation “Dia-40” which is a combination of 40 herbs for treating Diabetes. It reduces fasting, post lunch blood sugar levels as well as HBA1C. These 40 herbs also help in prevention and treatment of diabetic complications such as diabetic neuropathy, retinopathy, nephropathy, cardiovascular diseases etc
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