Treatments We Offer
Renal Calculi

Renal Calculi or Kidney Stones are described in Ayurveda as “Ashmari”. They are formed in different sizes.
According to Ayurveda, Tridoshas are involved in the formation of Ashmari. But Kapha plays a major role in the formation of stones. Vitiated Vata dries up the urine in the urinary system along with Pitta with its Ushna guna (i.e supersaturation of urine).
Causes of Renal Calculi
They are caused due to
- Poor diet (Excessive consumption of Cauliflower, Cabbage, Palak, Tomato, Eggs, Brinjal, Curd),
- Lifestyle habits,
- Genetic,
- Metabolic and hormonal factors,
- Kidney infection,
- Less intake of water,
- Suppression of urine urge,
- Excessive consumption of uric acid increasing foods like Cauliflower, Fish, Chicken, Cabbage, Red Meat.
Kidney stones are sometimes silent and may not cause any pain but in some cases there is extreme pain and burning sensation during urination.
1. Vataj Ashmari
2. Pittaj Ashmari
3. Kaphaja Ashmari
4. Shukraj Ashmari
Our Treatment
We, at Tejas, have a customized treatment plan along with a diet plan for patients suffering from Renal Calculi based on the size of the stone and severity of the disease. We exclusively have formulated “Ashmari Compound” for Renal Calculi with authentic ayurvedic herbs which is available at our store.
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